One whole year of daily meditation on the Word...Sabbath to Sabbath.
52 WEEKS (Sometimes 53)... The Week Number is referring to the number of Saturdays (Sabbaths) there are in the year. This number will be referenced on your cell phone calendar above the Sunday date. Week 1 ends on the First Saturday and begins with some December days.
This website is not a Blog... it is a Perpetual Calendar... a Rotation of Weekly Patterns to keep our mind focused on the LORD and His Kingdom. You can do your own separate Bible Study along side of this... The content here is laid out in WEEKS that are broken down into the seven days of the week beginning with Sunday.
I personally mark my Yearly Calendar Planner pages each week to match these website weeks with the Patterns. You could use your Planner as a Journal, too, if you are not a big writer... small notes would fit in these spaces, depending on the Planner. If you are a big writer, you will likely need a separate Journal that you can date for each entry. If you are more artistic, you could use a spiral bound sketch book as your journal that you date and doodle your inspirations each day. I like all the ways myself! Doodle, write, planner... and I love it when HolySpirit shares revelations to ponder from the Word. (See Daily PSALMS in menu).
***We will explore FIVE STAGES of growth/maturity in Christ beginning with Week 2, 12, 22, 32, & 42... each stage is ten weeks through TEN THEMES.
***Discover interesting PATTERNS in the Word that overlay to reveal a 3-D-like illumination about God and Humanity. We explore the MENORAH Pattern of 7's and the BERIT (Covenant) Pattern of 5's and 10's. These Patterns are reminders and thought provokers to help keep our mind stayed on Him!
***Explore the SEASONS, TIMES, and PURPOSES that come in life--STP.
***DAILY READING of Scripture will get you through the entire Bible in this year.
Proverbs can be read EVERY day-one chapter a day matching the calendar day's number... or only on SUNDAY.
Psalms will be read on Saturday, the Sabbath.
Genesis through The Revelation will be read Monday through Friday... leaving Sunday and Saturday for catch up if you need it.
***Learn about the GOSPEL IN THE STARS and many of God's APPOINTED TIMES... even some Hebrew words/ideas.
We will focus on Knowing and Loving God... and learning to know and love people... and remember YOU are also a people!
There will be Patterns for each day/week to Prompt thought... and some Scripture... but this is not a place where I will do much teaching with blogs... that teaching is for The Word itself and HolySpirit to do with you... so dig in... you will learn how to feed yourself more as you grow... and ultimately learn to help others grow!
Gather up your different translations of the Bible... expect Growth! Use your Journal or Planner to write the Patterns for each day... this keeps your eyes fixed on Jesus... the Author and Finisher of your Faith!
***Computer/iPad is the best devise to view this content... phones will work, but the content may not line up properly.
So much to share in the year... Let's get Growing! The entire introduction week is listed below.... this will be the basic Pattern of future weeks.
IT IS BEST IF YOU DO NOT LOOK FORWARD IN THE WEEKS, THEY WILL NOT BE COMPLETE UNTIL WE ARE AT THAT GIVEN DATE. If you share this site, please let the recipient know that the site is still under construction... or maybe don't share it quite yet. I hope to be completely done by the end of March.
Week 1-Introduction-Sabbath to Sabbath Dec 29 through Jan 4, 2025
Go through this introductory section before moving onto the rest of the Weeks.
This section is the Introduction - The Weeks are counted by Saturdays, so the Introduction First Week (1st Saturday of January) of the Study will include some December days. Take your Bible and your Journal each week of this year through the seven days that begin with Sunday and end with Saturday (the Sabbath Day). We can grow together in Christ!
The Pattern for the Days of the Week are below... Go to The Weeks Menu for the rest of the year... look for the Sunday date that begins each week.
*If you join this study after the first of January, simply find the Sunday Date and begin there.
These weeks begin a new Stage... Week2Babes, 12Children, 22Young Ones, 32Mature Ones, or 42Eternity.
SUNDAYS - DAY 1 of our Week
Sunday Menorah Patterns of 7's- December 29, 2024
Today is Sunday. (See the Week Days pull-down Menu for Daily Patterns) Sunday is the first day of our week…in Hebrew, Sunday is Yom Rishon… the Head Day.
On Sundays, we will explore Patterns of 7’s that will correspond to the days of the week. We line the Pattern up in the format of a Temple Menorah, which represented the Presence of God.
**Read Isaiah 11:2 to understand this main pattern that we will use in every week and line up with the days of the week.
I've matched the Hebrew names for the days of the weeks with the English. I've also used rainbow color order.
Line up the Days of the Week with Isaiah 11:2 Menorah Pattern-in brief form...this Pattern below will remain each week.
Yom Rishon Yom Sheni YomShlishi Yom Revi'i Yom Hamishi Yom Shishi Yom Shabbat
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thurs Fri Sat
Knowledge Counsel Wisdom YHVH Understanding Might Reverence
YHVH (the holy Hebrew Name of God) is in the position of the center lamp… and called the Shamash in Hebrew, meaning Servant. The Servant Lamp of the menorah in the Temple served the three branches with the oil. 1-Wisdom/Understanding 2-Counsel/Might 3-Knowledge/Reverence. (another note-I use Reverence instead of Fear).
I began using these Patterns to help me stay focused on different Truths throughout my week and I wanted to share this experience with other believers. On Sundays, I focus on Knowledge of the Spirit of God... on Mondays, I focus on His Spirit of Counsel... so on and so forth.
Each week we will be using a second Pattern of 7's to pair the with Isaiah 11:2 Pattern and maybe gain some interesting ponderings... my understanding and perspective changes every time I meditate on what they mean together and individually in light of Scripture I know about those words... it is like they became 3-dimensional... but it took time for me to see this.
Now it's time to sit in a QuietTime (QT) with the LORD--Bring your Bible for the Reading and your Journal to the Quiet and go through the Daily P.S.A.L.M.S. (See pull-down Menu)- at the end of each devotion in relation to the above teaching. You can also bring these Patterns into a topic you are studying on your own for your QT. (I think I just heard someone say they didn't have time to sit in the quiet...please know it will be worth your effort if you do. Get to bed earlier so you can wake up earlier... before the distractions and obligations scream at you... and sit with the LORD...but then again, you may be a night-owl and before bed will be your QT.)
Pure-Submit-Activity-Living-Meditate-Selah-Stop! And Thank about it (Yes! I wrote THANK, not THINK)
Journal your inspirations and revelations and any AllTruth you found as you go… write your questions to the Lord... He will help you find the answers... and remember to date the entry, if you are not using your Planner as your journal, so you can look back and see your growth as time progresses.
Enjoy your Sweet Sunday (or night owls reflect on your day) in the Family-in the Body-as a Temple... See you tomorrow--on Marvelous Monday!
May the Lord help you to LIVE every day of your Life in Him… not simply exist or survive.
MONDAYS - DAY 2 of our Week
Monday THEMES in the Word - December 30, 2025
There are many categories of Themes in Scripture. I have chosen my Top Ten to explore in this devotional. I believe these ten will cover most subjects of theology... maybe loosely, but let's see how I do in covering the important stuff... The Essentials.
The Ten Themes (brief descriptions below) we will explore over each ten week period are:
GOD - Creator of all things. He Who is, and was, and is to come - Father (Ancient of Days), Son (Breaker of Chains), and HolySpirit (Agent of Change).
THE WORD - The Word of God as He inspired it to be written... translated in many versions... originally written in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek. HOLY SPIRIT - The Spirit of God - Agent of Change--The third Person of the Trinity-- The Promised Seal of our Salvation.
MANKIND - The created Image-Bearer of God... designed to know Him and share Him with the world.
SALVATION - The plan of Reconciliation of Mankind with God through the Finished Work of Jesus (Y'shua) on the Cross.
CHRIST - Messiah! The Anointed One Sent from Heaven to become the Lamb of God to Redeem Mankind.
THE CROSS - Calvary. The Cross of Christ teaching us the Work of the Cross and the Way of the Cross.
PRAYER - The method Mankind uses to communicate to God... to access the Power of God through His Name for the work of the Kingdom.
COMMUNITY - aka The Church - The Bride of Christ - The Body of Christ - the Local gathering of Christ's followers.
PROMISE - All inclusive of God's Promises to His people in union with Messiah...Our inheritance. The New Jerusalem at the end of the ages.
I encourage you to practice QuietTime (QT) with the Lord each day to center yourself on His Ways away from the hustle and bustle of our busy life. The Daily P.S.A.L.M.S. will continue to be a daily pattern at the end of each reading.
I like to enjoy the first hours of my day for this time...but night owls may enjoy the final hours of their day. When is not important, but it is important that each day we pause from our busy activity to center ourselves with God as we write out words or pictures or doodles… whatever is your thing… and record your inspirational findings of His AllTruth.
The idea is to simply meditate on Scripture and the Patterns of the Day …replacing any lies that may be hiding in our heart with God's AllTruth... any method or time you choose is the right way!
Inviting HolySpirit to lead you into AllTruth is the only absolute in this exercise.
Daily P.S.A.L.M.S. (see the pull-down menu for description) Pure-Submit-Activity-Living-Meditate-Selah
TUESDAYS - DAY 3 of our Week
TUESDAY - BERIT (Bear-EET)-(Covenant) - December 31, 2025
For each of the Ten Themes (see pull-down menu), I have an acronym, a Pattern of 5’s, representing God's Kingdom/Covenant which mostly follows a pattern of:
Who/King's Nature What/King's Training How/King's Authority Why/King's Covenant Where-When/King's Inheritance
The Kingdom/Covenant acronyms are
We will break down one acronym by letter in each of the ten weeks...
Now it is time for QuietTime (QT)... ponder the above words with your Bible and Journal...
See how these acronyms are paired and bring a deeper dimension of seeing the Kingdom? More on that as we go...
Daily P.S.A.L.M.S.(see the pull-down menu for description) Pure-Submit-Activity-Living-Meditate-Selah
WEDNESDAYS - DAY 4 of our Week
WEDNESDAYS are for S.I.M.P.L.I.C.I.T.Y. December 31, 2025
S.I.M.P.L.I.C.I.T.Y. is a Pattern of two sets of 5's... and we will explore this more up ahead. It lines up with the ten themes and stands for:
God Word HolySpirit Mankind Salvation Christ Cross Prayer Community Promise
Source Instruction Ministry Plan Light.Life.Love Intention Completion Intercession Transformation Y'shua
Nature Training Authority Covenant Inheritance Nature Training Authority Covenant Inheritance
These two sets of 5's also follow the main pattern of the Covenant as described Wednesday in BERIT. More to come on the 5's/10’s! Right now you may be thinking, this study doesn't look like Simplicity! I hear you--but give it some time in the next weeks and I think it all becomes more simple.
God's Word is said to be Light...Optional DAILY BIBLE READING PLAN: Read through the entire Bible in 2025
PROVERBS can be read every day of the year if you wish... there are 31 Chapters... One for each day of the month!
OR...You can also choose to read one Chapter of Proverbs only on Sunday--You will read the entire Book by the end of the year, with a few duplications, if you choose the Sunday Only Method. You may also want to keep Sunday open for catch up of M-F readings... it is all very loose... do what works for you! Get to know your Father in His Word...
PSALMS - Read on Saturday. We will read through one of the five Books of Psalms throughout each Stage of ten-week study. (Did you know that Psalms was divided into five books? See Psalms menu.)
OLD TESTAMENT-(HEBREW TANAKH) - Read Mon-Fri. We will begin to read through our OT in the order of the Hebrew Bible. Where the English Bible ends in Malachi, the Tanakh ends in Chronicles. There are three divisions in the Tanakh--Torah, The Prophets, and the Writings. I know this is tough reading for some, so if you get behind you have Sunday or Saturday to catch up! Try to take something positive away from each day's reading. Find the story in the Story... Reading through in a year is optional, but it is so enriching! Even reading through just the Torah would be enriching!
NEW TESTAMENT - Will follow after the OT Mon-Fri. Laid out in the order that Gene Edwards has laid out per his historical research... basically in the order it happened. There is obviously debate about actual years of writing, but this order is interesting from a historical point of view. The Acts of the Apostles are broken up between Paul's Letters at the beginning of his ministry by historical periods. See what you think!
For this study, the New Testament is divided differently into Gospels, Acts, Letters, and The Revelation. You will see this breakdown in the section on Menorah for The Word (Week 2).
WHICH BIBLE SHOULD I USE? In taking Hebrew classes, I have learned that the Hebrew Bible is the only ORIGINAL written Word of God--but we don't all read and understand Hebrew, right?! Of course, the New Testament (also a Jewish book) was written in Aramaic and Greek... so what do we do?
Educated translators came along through the years to help us out with translations in English ... so every single English version (even our favorite one) is somebody's COMMENTARY/Translation on their understanding of the original language Scriptures... that is why wording will vary from English version to version... also other details regarding which original manuscripts were used, but we won't go there for now. This is only a side issue... not the main issue for my purposes.
SO, if you can't read and understand the original language, I suggest doing what I have been counseled to do by my Hebrew mentors... read several versions of English (or whatever your native language is) and compare the wording in each section. See what is omitted or added. I include The Complete Jewish Study Bible-CJSB and The One New Man Bible-ONMB from Hebrew thinking authors...they are from a Jewish understanding.
You could also learn to use a Strong's or Young's Concordance and a Lexicon (online resources are available for this) to find the original meaning of a word in the native language (I may add a section for teaching this topic later)... nuance, specific to the original language, is important which is why word for word translation is not adequate.
Please remember that, ultimately, HolySpirit and mature teachers will continue to guide us into AllTruth in God's Word as we seek for it with all our heart, no matter what version of Scripture we use! Please just Read Some Version of the Word to get to know the LORD!
Someday we will see our LORD face to Face and all our questions will be answered-we will KNOW Him as we are KNOWN! For now, this is what we have available to us.
Think about what simplicity means to your life... do you live in it? Could you use more of it? Talk to the LORD about it as we enter our Quiet Time (QT)...
Now it is time for QuietTime (QT)...
Daily P.S.A.L.M.S.(see the pull-down menu for description) Pure-Submit-Activity-Living-Meditate-Selah
THURSDAYS - DAY 5 of our Week
Thursday is for Life Events (STP) - January 2, 2025
We will explore:
A Season, Time, and Purpose (STP) for Everything under Heaven is shown to us in Ecclesiastes 3. In our lifetime, we may experience most, if not all of them. They come & they go, like waves of the sea. There is nothing new under the sun!
See how Born/Die Plant/Pluck is sitting as the Shamash in Menorah Pattern... and look at the similarity in the branches... and how they pair with Isaiah 11:2!
There is a Time to:
Born/Die Plant/Pluck
Kill/Heal Break/Build Weep/Laugh Mourn/Dance Cast/gather Embrace/Refrain Gain/Lose Keep/Toss Tear/Sew Silence/Speak Love/Hate War/Peace
Knowledge Counsel Wisdom Y H V H Understanding Might Reverence
Everything in this life on earth has a beginning and an ending, like fruit. There is a Season, a Time, and a Purpose for all things under heaven. We have so much to learn here... I am still learning!
We are not always (or often) granted to know the beginning or ending time of... Life’s blessings… or the trials we endure.
We don’t know when a Time or Season will come or go as we wait on the Lord, but He surely directs our path as we look to Him for direction.
We eventually realize that life serves us Seasons in 2’s…joy and sorrow… life and death…gain and loss... the dark and the light. I find it helpful to praise through both sides of Seasons. I don't want to be like a spoiled toddler who only is happy when I get what I want, when I want it...
There is no Secret Formula in God’s Kingdom that will ensure we get WHAT we want WHEN we want it, He is GOD--not our personal Magic Genie. But His timing is perfect as we seek His Face for what we need according to His Purpose. He is always faithful to provide in ways that we can't imagine...and sometimes He sends us what we didn't even know that we needed! Remember that we are always in the MIDDLE of our Life's Journey until the day we are no more. So it isn't over, until the END.
Obviously, by 'season' so far I mean a particular time in our life when we go through a time of... fill in the blank (hardship, peace, etc.). But I will also count down the thirteen weeks of the four weather seasons as we go. Genesis 8:22 tells us that as long as the earth endures, there will be seedtime (spring) and harvest (autumn) and winter and summer. Each season can be long and hard... and sometimes a countdown is exactly what we need to hold on until the next season.
It is the same for those other 'seasons of life'... those times in our lives when things are difficult. Unlike the weather seasons that are pretty consistent about timing, the seasons in our lives are not. We may not know exactly when the hard times will end, or the good times will begin, but we can know that God is faithful to be with us and that He is always working for the good... so hold on if you are in the middle of a difficult season of life and look to Him for answers. Thank Him for what you can. Remember that He has already given us the greatest gift of salvation through His Son... and He will always be on His throne... ultimately in control, though it may not look like that... but that is what Faith if for.
Not until Eternity, when all things will finally be reconciled in Christ, pure ...without sin He created in the beginning, will our longing be fully satisfied. However, we do get a foretaste of His goodness in this lifetime and we have His comfort in the hard times!
For now, we can surely count on this…
God is good all the time.
And All the time God is good.
Rosh Chodesh and Appointed Times
Because this is the way that God created it for His people back in the day (still followed now), I have incorporated some Hebrew events into the calendar as they come. Sometimes it will be the changing of the Hebrew month/moon (lunar calendar) called Rosh Chodesh. Or it could be one of the Appointed Times (Sabbath and Festivals)—I did not choose to list all of them. And you already saw the Hebrew names for the Days of the Week.
After sundown is when our Hebrew cousins begin to celebrate the new day, instead of midnight, with family and friends... based on the Creation Story where "evening and morning was a new day".
The Gospel in the Stars
Another topic that will be included in our days is the Story of the Gospel in the Zodiak—possibly a touchy subject for some on the surface, but bear with me!
I am not condoning your daily horoscope or astrology-- that which Scripture counsels NOT to use the stars for-- but it is interesting that we can see the Gospel Story in the Stars as the Jews also have seen for centuries (Mazzarot). In my weekly designations, I am referencing information in the book by Dr. James D. Kennedy, The True Meaning of the Zodiak.
**If this is uncomfortable for you at this point, just ignore my references... but just take a look and then decide.
Calendar Miscellaneous
As you know, the Gregorian Calendar Year begins in January with the last couple weeks of the astronomical sign Capricorn, which reveals Life from Death in our week 2 study. (See the Stars pull-down menu for more description). Each week will have the revealing of the Zodiak sign for that month to go along with so many other patterns and calendar events for that week. We may get a greater view of our Lord and His plan for Creation when we expand our usual circle of things. I will, of course, list some American Holidays, too. The Hebrew Calendar has 12 different months (29 or 30 days long) that change with the New Moon and they have different purposes. These will also be referenced... because the meaning that God gave to them will open our minds to a bigger view. I think that showing all these different aspects of global life helps to expand the picture of our Father and His Kingdom.
Time for our QuietTime with our Journal and the LORD... Only two more days to explain... Journal your thoughts about the study so far... remember to date your entry so you can look back and see how you have grown!
Daily P.S.A.L.M.S -(see the pull-down menu for description) Pure-Submit-Activity-Living-Meditate-Selah
FRIDAYS - DAY 6 of our Week
FRIDAY is for STAGES of Growth - January 3, 2025
We will explore five stages of growth/maturity in Christ. We will also overlay the Parable of the Sower with these Stages.
BABES are Born... we must be born of the Spirit to enter the Kingdom of God. There needs to be SOIL in which the SEED of the Word is planted... or it will be like the seed that fell by the wayside and the birds of the air took it. The soil is our heart and how we receive God's Word. The Adversary does not like Babes to be born...and if they ARE born, he delights in not letting their faith mature.
CHILDREN Grow... we must have regular care/teaching/nourishment/exercise to know how to handle the Word so we produce strong roots that go deep... or we will fall away from the Lord when things get tough in our life. Mature ones come along side to help us.
YOUNG ONES in the Faith are Strong...we must keep our eyes fixed on the LORD and His unshakable Kingdom so we are not distracted by the cares of life and the deceit of prosperity in the world system... and allow the pure Word of God to richly dwell within our heart.
MATURE ONES in the Faith Nurture... and help the younger ones grow... and that doesn't mean we quit reading and growing in the Word because somehow the Word never gets old. It is like the Manna in the Wilderness that was always fresh each every morning.
ETERNITY is Forever... this world is NOT our final home... we are citizens of Heaven... we are IN this world, but not OF this world... but how are we supposed to live here with our heart set on heaven and still be good neighbors? Keeping our eyes on Jesus (Y'shua) is to keep our eyes on the coming Eternity that is currently present with us...the things that are unseen vs. the things that are seen... the eternal vs. the temporal.
Time for QuietTime...
Daily P.S.A.L.M.S - Pure-Submit-Activity-Living-Meditate-Selah
SATURDAYS are Sabbath January 4, 2025 The 1st Sabbath of 2025
SELAH is a musical term in Scripture that is used mostly in the Psalms. The actual specific meaning is unclear, but there are indications that it likely meant-PAUSE. Thus, I have come up with My own Definition that we will use in this study... and Sabbath is the perfect day to practice it!
STOP! And Thank about it!
What is Sabbath? It comes from the word that means in the seventh day of the creation of the heavens and the earth in Genesis 1 & 2. It is a Day that God, the Creator, gave forever to Mankind for reflection, rest, and restoration. It is a sacred holy day for Mankind to enjoy. In Psalm 23, David pens, "He makes me lie down in green pastures..." I wonder if he was thinking about the Jewish practice to take a 24-hour rest Friday after sundown to Saturday at sundown? I can see David resting in the field with his sheep and writing his Songs of praise. Just me thinking out loud there!
This is not a day where we sit around and do nothing--NO! We do rest from work... labor. This is a time of reflection and celebration for all that God has done and is doing and will do. It is a time to gather with family and friends. It is a time to seek Him in His written Word and praise Him as the Living Word! More on Sabbath as we go... but just a note here in case you were wondering...
Christians are not commanded to become Jewish... but did God only give the Sabbath to the Jews?... more on that later, as well!
Genesis 2 records that there was a point at the end of creation when God stopped and rested from His work on the seventh day.
Maybe if God stopped, then I should follow His example (since He also said to do that in several places where He spoke). He has provided an entire day of Blessed Rest every single week of our year… which is why the focus of my title is Sabbath to Sabbath... there is a type of physical rest, but there is also a type of mental rest... and who does not need that?!
I have been practicing living with a focus on one week at a time for quite a while--and the result is greater peace and less stress in my day to day. That is why this website is laid out in seven-day weekly pages instead of individual daily pages. I used to be such a future-planner and looking ahead was exhausting. I'm just focused mostly on living in ThisDay now with planning seven days at a time... with increased focus on intentional focus on ThisDay... though I still do plan--we have to!
The Week begins on Sunday and climbs through the Days up to its climactic holy finale...Sabbath... where we celebrate and reflect on the previous six days and the LORD's goodness. Then we begin another new week with Sunday.
** Extra idea if you would like it... I also keep a separate Sabbath Journal... each page is dated with Saturday Dates. I recap the highlights of the week on the page and it is so great to look back and see bullet-points of my months and years being guided by the LORD as He comes in to change things and make the old new.
If perfect peace (shalom shalom in Isaiah 26:3) is found by keeping my mind stayed on Him, then this may be another clue to holding my peace. Where is my mind dwelling? (see Philippians 4:8). Do I live in His Joy and Peace?
BREATHE IN His Peace right now… then EXHALE whatever is causing you stress.
Could it be... that if we have too much work to stop for one day...we may have too much work? Are we the sheep of His pasture?
Sheep are NOT mules... sheep are not burden bearing animals. Think about that. (Matthew 11:28,29)
Maybe if being still (Psalm 46:10) is what it takes to know that He is God (and I am not), then I might want to practice being still.
(Ah! Time for My Daily QuietTime with Daily P.S.A.L.M.S.!) ~SELAH! STOP! And Thank about it!
Daily P.S.A.L.M.S - Pure-Submit-Activity-Living-Meditate-Selah
I know it may look like a lot... but even if you only glean one little new habit that helps you grow deeper with the LORD, it will be worth it... for one month or the whole year! Please don't worry about absorbing everything all at once... just follow day by day and grow... it has taken me years to partake and digest these revelations. And you can repeat the study year to year as you continue to grow... and I hope you do become a regular here! Share the site with your family and friends, too.
This is all we have for this Introductory Week. Lots to ponder ... come back to this page if you need reminders about the Days.
We begin the first Stage tomorrow—the first Sunday of the New Year! Go to The Weeks Menu and begin with Week 2-BABES.
My motto for 2025 is Soar to Higher Heights! I want to remain teachable and grateful. Join me?