Ponder with HolySpirit ... write out your inspirations/revelations/illuminations!

Then go deeper and pair the sets of Covenant 5's with each other... This is where the illumination happens for me. I partake of God as a True Person and learn to understand His ways more and more every time I look at these Patterns... oh, yes! There is more to come...

Now that we have been BORN of the Spirit of God, we are a NEW Creation... and a New Creation has no past... so, while you may have to pay some consequences in the material world for things you have done, your slate is wiped clean in God' eyes... so start living in His Kingdom... by His ways. Turn away from sin and the old life of following the world's ways... and learn to know His heart... and become like His Son, Jesus.

The goal in the Kingdom is CONTINUING MATURITY that will bring ABUNDANT FRUITFULNESS... Keep Growing!

Find your Foundational Truths in the Word...

Read the 1st chapter of Ephesians to see all that you have when you are IN Christ... KEEPING OUR EYES ON ETERNAL TRUTH in a world of distractions.

Philippians 4--A MIND to Meditate on these things! TRUTH AND DISCERNMENT.

Ephesians 6--A POSTURE to Stand with the full armor of God! STRENGTH AND STAMINA.

Galatians 5--A HEART where Love has fruit! ABUNDANT FRUITFULNESS.

We have completed the first 10 weeks of this year in Babes. We move onto the next Stage in our next week... Children Grow.

We will use a similar template for the 10 weeks of Children, but with some differences. Remember, the Patterns are simply reminders of Truths and thought provokers for HolySpirit to use in your overall growth... so let's continue growing together next week!

Babes in Christ are BORN... of the Spirit.