2 Children in Christ Grow...
three girls holding each other hand walking towards brown soil
Stage 2 - CHILDREN -- Weeks 12-21.
Look on your phone calendar before Sunday and you will see a little number. This is counting the weeks, ending with Saturday.

I am writing to you who are God's children because your sins have been forgiven through Jesus ...

I have written to you who are God's children because you know the Father. From 1 John 2:12-14 NLT

Dear Child of God,

You have been learning about your new self and citizenship in God's Kingdom and have been growing. But you may not fully believe that your sins are truly forgiven... THEY ARE covered by the Blood of Jesus! Learn to know your Father by reading His Words to you... Look at the Words of Jesus in the Gospels... See what the Apostle Paul, Peter, and John wrote from what they witnessed. We only need to be born-again once... but we all need to be cleansed daily. Keep reminding yourself about the Work of the Cross in the forgiveness of sins. Keep reminding yourself about the Way of the Cross as you receive power from HolySpirit over the power of sin to make you stumble and fall.

Remain in the Son, Jesus, and you will remain in the Father... and they will remain in you. Now you will grow into Young ones in Christ and things will begin to seem a little harder to do, but keep doing the new things in the same way you did them at the beginning of this journey... by faith in the Son of God and His power through HolySpirit.

Learn to pray daily and carry your cross...daily exalt the ways of the LORD over your own worldly desires... bear the burdens of your brothers and sisters that are too much for them to bear on their own... and continue to fill your place in the Kingdom and in your local community in love and truth as He brings heaven to earth through you.

Your sister, Shachar...