Week 11 BABES-The Promise begins Sunday March 9, 2025
See the StartHere Menu for daily descriptions
Kingdom Pattern (loosely) Who/Nature What/Training How/Authority Why/Covenant Where-When/Inheritance
Covenant Acronym S.H.'L.O.M. Savior Heed Limitless Oath More!
Theme Focus 10 Promise Wonderful Counselor MightyGod EverlastingFather Prince of Peace
*To avoid Verse-ology... try to read around any Verses listed in this devotional... you will gain better context!
Week 11 - Day1Sunday, March 9, 2025 Daily Reading Proverbs 9 if on the Sunday Only Plan
Menorah days this week...
the Pattern of 7's for the PROMISE - from the Gospel of John... the I Am's of Jesus.
Bread of Life John6:35 Y’shua said to them, “I am the Bread of Life: the one who comes to Me would not hunger, and the one who believes in Me will not ever thirst. ONMB **(BREAD means not only food, but clothing, shelter, and all spiritual needs as well.)
Light of World John8:12 So Y’shua spoke to them again saying, “I AM the Light of the world: the one who follows Me could not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” ONMB
Door of Sheep John10:7 Then Y’shua said again, “I most definitely say to you that I AM the Door of the sheep. ONMB
Son of God John10:36 Are you saying to the One Whom the Father sanctified and sent into the world, that ‘You are blaspheming,’ because I said, ‘I am a Son of God’? ONMB
Resurrection/Life John11:25 Y’shua said to her, “I AM the Resurrection and the Life: the one who believes in Me, even if he would die, he will live... ONMB
Way/Truth/Life John14:6 Y’shua said to him, “I AM the Way and the Truth and the Life: no one comes to the Father except through Me. ONMB
True Vine John15:1 “I AM the true vine and My Father is the farmer. ONMB
Line up the days of the week with the Main Isaiah 11:2 Pattern. (See Days in pull-down menu). Then we add the The Word Pattern of 7's for this week as well...
Knowledge Counsel Wisdom Y H V H Understanding Might Reverence
Bread Light Door Son of God Resurr/Life Way/Truth/Life True Vine
Time for Daily P.S.A.L.M.S. Quiet Time
Are you LIVING Today intentionally in your surroundings? What insight do you get from overlaying Promise 7's with our Main 7's? Be still and ponder ...these and other questions HolySpirit may illuminate. Write or doodle in your Journal...
Have a Sweet Sunday!
Week 11 - Day2Monday, March 10, 2025 Daily Reading Joshua 1-5
Theme - 10 Promise
The Promise has this focus: From Isaiah 9:6 For unto us a child is born, unto us a Son is given, and the government is upon His shoulder, and His name will be called Wonder (as in signs and wonders), Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace. ONMB
Wonderful: He has made His wonderful works to be remembered. The LORD is gracious and full of compassion. Ps 111:4 ONMB
Counselor: Who has directed the Spirit of the LORD, or has taught Him, being His counsellor?! (1 Cor 2:16) Isa 40:13 ONMB
Mighty God: The mighty God, the LORD, has spoken and called the earth from the rising of the sun to its going down. Ps 50:1 ONMB
Everlasting Father: ‘Our Father, Who is in the heavens: Your name must at once be made holy: Matt 6:9 ONMB
Prince of Peace: For He is our peace, the One Who has made both things into one... Eph 2:14 ONMB
Time for Daily P.S.A.L.M.S. Quiet Time
What do these points mean to you (or what did they mean to you when you were)... a BABE in Christ... newly born again... just beginning to KNOW yourself as God created you to be... Sit with HolySpirit and journal away! Maybe listen to a song...
Have a Marvelous Monday!
Week 11 - Day3Tuesday, March 11, 2025 Daily Reading Joshua 6-10
BERIT (Covenant) - S.H.'L.O.M.
There are five points of covenant that we use in this study and they can be related in this order...
Who What How Why Where/When ...all a very loose description that will be more clear as we go.
We will explore our next Covenant Pattern of 5's ... and I hope the beauty will become obvious. For this week, our Pattern of Covenant 5's is: S.H.'L.O.M.
(Wonderful) Savior - (Who) ... to the only God, our Savior through our Lord Y’shua Messiah, be glory, majesty, strength, and power before every age, both now and forever, amen. Jude 25 ONMB
(Counselor) Heed - (What)You must watch out! You must continually be alert: for you do not know when the time is. Mark13:33 ONMB
(MightyGod) Limitless - (How) He has made the earth by His power. He has established the world by His wisdom and has stretched out the heavens at His discretion. Jer 10:12 ONMB
(Everlasting Father) Oath- (Why) Now I am sending forth upon you what my Father promised, so stay here in the city until you have been equipped with power from above.” Luke 24:49 CJSB
(Prince of Peace) MORE! - (Where/When) But He gives us even more grace to stand against such evil desires. James 4:6 NLT
Time for Daily P.S.A.L.M.S. Quiet Time
- Ponder the week so far and our Scripture... how does it fit with your life story? Your past, present, and future? Overlay today's content with yesterday's... How is the overlay of God's Covenant helpful to remember as a BABE in Christ? Journal your thoughts and inspirations.
Have a Terrific Tuesday... maybe with tacos!
Week 11 - Day4Wednesday, March 12, 2025 Daily Reading Joshua 11-15
S.I.M.P.L.I.C.I.T.Y. in Christ - reminders:
1 Source - (God) "Everyone who calls on the Name of the Lord will be saved." Rom 10:13 NLT
2 Instruction - (Word) All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness... 2Tim 3:16 NKJV
3 Ministry - (Mankind) And all things are from God, the One Who reconciled us to Himself through Messiah and Who gave us the ministry of reconciliation... 2 Cor 5:18-19 OneNewManBible (ONMB)
4 Plan - (Salvation) “For God so loved the world that He gave His only and unique Son, so that everyone who trusts in Him may have eternal life, instead of being utterly destroyed. For God did not send the Son into the world to judge the world, but rather so that through Him, the world might be saved. John 3:16-17 CJB
5 Life.Light.Love - (HolySpirit) In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. All things came through Him, and there was not one thing that came into being without His participation. What had come in Him was Life, and the Life was the Light of mankind: John 1:1-5 OneNewManBible (ONMB)
6 Intention - (Christ) Furthermore, we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called in accordance with His purpose; Rom 8:28 CJB
7 Completion - (TheCross) ...(Y’shua said,) “It has been completed,” John 19:30 ONMB
8 Intercession - (Prayer) First of all, then, I counsel that petitions, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all human beings, 1 Tim 2:1-2 CJB
9 Transformation - (Community) Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect. Rom 12:2 NLT
10 Y'shua - (Promise) And she will give birth to a Son, and you will call His name Y’shua: for He will save His people from their sins.” Matt 1:21-22 ONMB (the actual meaning of the Name Y'shua is Salvation).
BABES in Christ--Newly born into the Kingdom and Family of God--May you grow in Christ with simplicity... and if we are no longer BABES, may we return to the basics of simplicity in Him.
So much to sit with HolySpirit today... Time for Daily P.S.A.L.M.S.
Quiet Time Get your Journal and ponder S.I.M.P.L.I.C.I.T.Y.... the concept and verses above... do you need more simplicity in your day-to-day so you can incorporate more S.I.M.P.L.I.C.I.T.Y.? Can you feel the growth in your spirit?
Have a Wonderful Wednesday!
Week 11 - Day5Thursday, March 13, 2025 Daily Reading Joshua 16-20
Gospel in the Stars (Mazzarot) - STP
Mazzarot (Constellations)(Zodiak) for this week is still the sign of the Fishes- Pisces (we consult with the Maker of the Stars, not the sign). It tells that there will be Deliverance from Bondage in the Gospel in the Stars.
The ancient Hebrew view of the meaning of this Mazzarot-The sheep of Israel are scattered and recovered.
Seasons - Times - Purpose (STP)
See THURSDAY under the Days Menu for the Ecclesiastes 3 list of STP... there are 28 of them. What Season/Times/Purpose do you find yourself in Today? What Promises can you hold onto from your Father to get you through the hard ones? How can you Praise Him for the easy ones?
Time for Daily P.S.A.L.M.S. Quiet Time You know what to do!
Have a Thankful Thursday!
Week 11 - Day6Friday, March 14, 2025 Daily Reading Joshua 21-24
BABES in Christ... newly born-again... 10 Promise
The Parable of the Sower (see Menu) talks about the SEED (the Word of God) that is scattered by Sower along the wayside and is stolen by the birds of the air. The SOIL is the heart of a person. Babes need to get God's Word into their heart to produce good soil (a heart that hungers and thirsts for Him) for that SEED (the Word) to take root in. The Word is the milk... so drink up! Make the soil of your heart rich!
Remember that... The commandments of the Lord are right, bringing joy to the heart. Ps 19:8 NLT
Have you received His Joy in your heart?
For our Jewish cousins, sundown tonight is the beginning of Sabbath that will continue all day tomorrow until sundown. Shabbat Shalom! (Sabbath of Peace).
Time for Daily P.S.A.L.M.S. Quiet Time You know what to do!
Have a Fantastic Friday!
Week 11 - Day7Saturday, March 15, 2025 Daily Reading PSALM BOOK 1: Chapters 40-41
SABBATH - 10 Promise
Our Psalm 119 Word (see PSALM Menu) to ponder is
10-SALVATION (6 times)
yeshuw`ah (yesh-oo'-aw) (H3444); feminine passive participle of OT:3467; something saved, i.e. (abstractly) deliverance; hence, aid, victory, prosperity: (4 times)
translated… deliverance, health, help (-ing), salvation, save, saving (health), welfare.
LORD, I have hoped for Your salvation and done Your commandments Ps 119:166 ONMB
teshuw`ah (tesh-oo-aw') (H8668); or teshu`ah (tesh-oo-aw'); from OT:7768 in the sense of OT:3467; rescue (literal or figurative, pers., national or spir.): (2 times)
translated… deliverance, help, safety, salvation, victory.
Let Your loving kindnesses come also to me, LORD, Your salvation, according to Your word. Ps 119:41 ONMB
How do you Honor the Sabbath and Keep it Holy (set apart for God)?
“Remember the day, Shabbat, to set it apart for God. You have six days to labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Shabbat for Adonai your God. On it, you are not to do any kind of work ... For in six days, Adonai made heaven and earth, the sea and everything in them; but on the seventh day He rested. This is why Adonai blessed the day, Shabbat, and separated it for Himself. Ex 20:8-11 CJSB abbreviated
Time for Daily P.S.A.L.M.S. Quiet Time
Reflect - Ponder - Praise - Gather - Worship - Rest ... However you are led to celebrate Sabbath as a BABE in Christ.
Your Father loves you! 12th week of WINTER... and final week of BABES in Christ.
Have a Sacred Saturday!