The Word 'psalm' means Song.
So the Book of Psalms (plural--more than one) is a collection of ancient songs written by many authors in Hebrew, and King David wrote many of them. When you are talking about only one chapter (song), it is a psalm... when you are talking about more than one chapter, it is psalms. They are not organized in chronological order.
Did you know that the 150 Psalms are divided into 5 Books? Go look in your Bible and you will see the divisions... & now you will never UNsee them! Some scholars believe they mirror the five Books of the Torah--we will go through One Book in each Stage of growth.
Genesis (B'reshite)- Exodus (Sh'mot)- Leviticus (Vayikra)- Numbers (B'midbar)- Deuteronomy (D'varim)
Bk1 - Psalm 1-41 Bk2 - Psalm 42-72 Bk 3 - Psalm 73-89 Bk 4 - Psalm 90-106 Bk 5 - Psalm 107-150
In our study we will read several chapters of Psalms on each Saturday/Sabbath. It is said that reading the Book of Psalms helps a person to become closer to God.
Oh, I want to know Him MORE!
Did you know that Psalm 119 is a very special song...besides being the longest? There are 22 sections of 8 verses each - one section for each letter in the Hebrew alef bet (alphabet)... and that's not all! The entire chapter is filled with several words that describe the Word of God. I will share just 10 of these words for us to ponder... one each week!
The first word below is the Hebrew word - (Hxxxx) is the Hebrew number in the Strong's Concordance - the Strong's definition follows - and then how the word is translated into English
1 – WORD (43 times)
dabar (H1697) - a word, a matter, a thing (24 times)
translated 'word' and in some places 'promise'...
Your word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. Ps 119:105 ONMB
'imrah or 'emrah (H565) - something said (19 times)
translated 'word'...
Uphold me according to Your word, so I will live: and let me not be ashamed of my hope. Ps 119:116 ONMB
Quicken me according TO Your Word
Psalms 119:17 Deal bountifully with Your servant so I can live and keep Your word (dabar).
Psalms 119:25 My inner being cleaves to the dust: quicken me according to Your word (dabar).
Psalms 119:50 This is my comfort in my affliction, for Your word (‘imrah) has quickened me.
Psalms 119:107 I am very much afflicted! Quicken me, LORD, according to Your word (dabar).
Psalms 119:116 Uphold me according to Your word (‘imrah), so I will live: and let me not be ashamed of my hope.
Psalms 119:154 Plead my cause and redeem me! Quicken me according to Your word (‘imrah).
2- TEACHING/INSTRUCTION (25 times) (in every section except Bet)
torah (H8451)- the first five books of the OT (Tanakh), also known as the Pentateuch.
translated in most translations as 'law', but the actually meaning is ‘teaching’ or ‘instruction’ to the Jewish mind...
O how I love Your Torah (Teaching)! It is my meditation the whole day. Ps 119:97 ONMB
3-TESTIMONIES (24 times)
'edah (H5713) - a testimony (witness)
translated 'testimony/testimonies'...
I thought about my ways and turned my feet to Your testimonies. Ps 119:59 ONMB
Quicken me…Testimonies
Psalms 119:144 The righteousness of Your testimonies is everlasting: give me understanding and I shall live.
4- COMMANDMENTS (23 times)(plus more in Statutes/Precepts)
mitsvah is in every section except zayin, nun, & resh--but both statutes/precepts are in all three of those
mitsvah (H4687) - a command
translated 'commandment'...
Make me to go in the path of Your commandments, for I delight in them. Ps 119:35 ONMB5
Quicken me WITH Your Commandments/Precepts
Psalms 119:93 I shall never forget Your commands, for with them You have quickened me.
5 -JUDGMENTS (23 times)
mishpat (H4941) - a verdict, a sentence, de5ree, divine law
translated 'judgments'...
I have chosen the Way of Faithfulness: Your judgments have I laid before me. Ps 119:30 ONMB
Quicken me according TO Your Judgments
Psalms 119:149 Hear my voice according to Your loving kindness. LORD, quicken me according to Your judgment.
Psalms 119:156 Great are Your compassions, LORD. Quicken me according to Your justice.
Psalms 119:175 Let my body live and it will praise You, and let Your judgments help me.
6 – RIGHTEOUSNESS (14 times) (plus more for other forms)
tsedaqah (H6666) - (from H6663 -tsadaq - cleanse) - rightness, virtue, justicetranslated 'righteousness'...
The righteousness of Your testimonies is everlasting: give me understanding and I shall live. Ps 119:144 ONMB
Quicken me IN Your Righteousness
Psalms 119:40 See how I long for your precepts; in your righteousness, give me life! CJSB
7- WAY (13 times)
derek (H1870) - a road (as trodden); figuratively, a course of life or mode of action
translated 'way'...
Make me to understand the Way of Your commands: so I will talk of Your wondrous works. Ps 119:27 ONMB
Quicken me IN Your Way
Psalms 119:37 Turn my eyes away from beholding vanity; quicken me in Your Way.
'emunah (H530) – trustworthiness (5 times)
translated 'truth' or 'faithful(ness)'...
Your faithfulness is for all generations: you have established the earth and it abides. Ps 119:90 ONMB
'emet (H571) - stability, certainly, trustworthy (4 times)
translated 'truth'...
You are near, LORD, and all Your commandments are truth. Ps 119:151 ONMB
checed (kheh'-sed) (H2617) from OT:2616; kindness; by implication (towards God) piety: rarely (by opposition) reproof, or (subject.) beauty:
translated…favor, (loving-) kindness, merciful (kindness), mercy…
Psalms 119:77 Let Your tender mercies come to me, so I can live: for Your Torah (Teaching) is my delight.
Quicken me IN Your Lovingkindness
Psalms 119:77 Let Your tender mercies come to me, so I can live: for Your Torah (Teaching) is my delight.
Psalms 119:88 Quicken me after Your loving kindness, so I will keep the testimony of Your mouth.
Psalms 119:159 See how I love Your commands: quicken me, LORD, according to Your loving kindness.
10-SALVATION (6 times)
yeshuw`ah (yesh-oo'-aw) (H3444); feminine passive participle of OT:3467; something saved, i.e. (abstractly) deliverance; hence, aid, victory, prosperity: (4 times)
translated… deliverance, health, help (-ing), salvation, save, saving (health), welfare.
LORD, I have hoped for Your salvation and done Your commandments Ps 119:166 ONMB
teshuw`ah (tesh-oo-aw') (H8668); or teshu`ah (tesh-oo-aw'); from OT:7768 in the sense of OT:3467; rescue (literal or figurative, pers., national or spir.): (2 times)
translated… deliverance, help, safety, salvation, victory.
Let Your loving kindnesses come also to me, LORD, Your salvation, according to Your word. Ps 119:41 ONMB
See how the LORD Quickens those that seek Him (above)
- chayah (H2421) - to live (16 times)
translated 'quicken' or 'revive'...
Quicken me after Your loving kindness, so I will keep the testimony of Your mouth. Ps 119:88 ONMB
Reading the Book of Psalms through in a year will be set for each Sabbath... but I set up Daily P.S.A.L.M.S. to reflect My LifeSong to the LORD every day!
I made one set for the physical me - to keep the Temple of HolySpirit thriving... and another for my inner self to keep the spiritual me thriving.
Daily P.S.A.L.M.S. for the PhysicalMe- instructions for My body
Pure Water—1/2 to 1 oz per pound of body weight - (check with your doctor)
Submit to Sleep and Rest in adequate amounts—We need at least seven hours or more each day
Activity in Stretching & Strengthening—Grow in Baby steps—Walk at least once every day
Living Food and Supplements and Sunshine-also fellowship with others—Life to the body
Meditation in The Word, Prayer, and Worship—Life for Soul & Spirit
SELAH- Stop and Thank! Gratitude from a Thankful Heart—Sympathetic/Parasympathetic Booster
Daily P.S.A.L.M.S.- Our QuietTime with the LORD
This is a suggested practice for the end of your daily study and readings.
Pure-Read God’s Word (any verses mentioned) from several versions—remember Hebrew sources as well. This can also include the Daily Reading, if you are doing that. You can also include any other Bible Study your are in.
Submit- (let’s take the bite out of that word!) There are times when it is beneficial to yield or surrender to an authority…(In this study, we are referring to God as the Authority and it is always good to remember Who ACTUALLY is God versus who simply poses as God).
In this application, we ask Almighty God for wisdom to know if we are to lead, follow, or get out of the way in the context of our Scripture reading…where is my place—as it relates to the devotional topic. We never have to be confused or lost in our direction... because we can always Ask, Seek, Knock for all that we need. Being STILL is the beginning of submission/surrender. We remain teachable... because we don't know everything yet, right?!
Activity- We need discernment to know What is our given activity in a matter and when do we wait for God's activity in His timing and perfect provision? For our needs, are we in a season of Asking, Seeking, or Knocking? Sometimes God gives us the wisdom and strength to move an obstacle so we have freedom of movement. Sometimes He asks us to wait for Him to do the work in situations so we can move forward. This takes times to learn... and we are always learning to do it better.
Living- Not dead rote routine. In what way is our living faith intentionally increased to produce living action for the Kingdom? This kind of faith will produce fruit that remains…
Every CHOICE is a SEED that is planted and grows into a CONSEQUENCE...
Living seed (choices) planted will bring blessing. Dead seed (choices) planted will bring... well, NOT blessing.
Sometimes we do things that are not according to God's purpose/will and they do not produce fruit... like some of the seed in the Parable of the Sower. (See the pull-down menu). There was nothing dead about the seed in the parable... the problem of fruit bearing was in the SOIL. Living seed (The Word) is given by God and He also helps us to recognize good soil for the planting. Remember that the Parable is talking about the SOIL in which the Good Seed, The Word of God, is planted.
Meditate-What Honorable-Just-Pure-Lovely-Virtuous-of Good Report thought (Philippians 4:8) does HolySpirit impress upon me? Maybe there is a rabbit trail of Scripture to follow that started with this devotional?
Selah-Stop! And Thank about it (Yes! I wrote THANK, not THINK)—This is where I focus on what I have more than what I don’t have. If I do have a need, go back to Submit and Activity. This is about Reflection and Gratitude. KEEP MY MIND ON THINGS ABOVE!