The Gospel in the Stars - Romans 1:20
This portion of the study is inspired by Dr. James D. Kennedy's book, The Real Meaning of the Zodiak. The Gospel in the Stars is new to me and very inspiring! T
Scripture warns us in several places not to consult the stars (astrology) for our daily lives, but to look to the Maker of those stars-God.
"Where are all your astrologers, those stargazers who make predictions each month? Let them stand up and save you from what the future holds. Isa 47:13 NLT
I am in no way encouraging the use of horoscope astrology for those who are growing in Christ. But I am saying that God may have shown us the Gospel Story in His stars.
This portion of the study is simply to show that the MAZZAROT (Hebrew for Constellations) had/have a Purpose that may have been hidden in plain sight... unless you have eyes to see!
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The order of the Signs are listed in Gospel Story order, not Gregorian calendar (solar) order... but take a look at the Hebrew calendar for an interesting ponder! Virgo is first in Story-order and in August, which is almost the Hebrew New Year. Just sayin' here that looking at the Hebrew calendar (lunar) gives us a different view... afterall, the Hebrew months were set in order by God Himself.
Dr. Kennedy in Story-order: Hebrew Mazzarot Meaning:
8/23-THE SEED OF THE WOMAN-virgo Abraham - The Origin of the Bride
Isa 7:14
9/23-THE REQUIRED PRICE PAID-libra The Exodus from Egypt & the Torah given
Philippians 2:5-11
10/23-THE MORTAL CONFLICT-scorpio 40 years in the Wilderness (Midbar)
Revelation 12:9
11/22-THE FINAL TRIUMPH-sagittarius Conquest of Joshua
Psalm 45:5-6
12/22-LIFE OUT OF DEATH-capricornus Story of King David
Leviticus 16:7-9, 15-16
1/20-BLESSING OUT OF VICTORY-aquarius Judgment on Judah Kingdom
John 7:37-39
2/19-DELIVERANCE OUT OF BONDAGE-pisces House of Israel - Scattered/Recovered
Mark 1:15-17
3/21-GLORY OUT OF HUMILIATION-aries Lamb of God Proclaims Liberty
Revelation 5:9-10
4/20-HIS GLORIOUS COMING-taurus The Gospel to the Jews
2 Thessalonians 1:7-8
5/21-HIS UNION WITH HIS BRIDE-gemini The Gospel to Gentiles
Acts 28:11 Revelation 21:9
6/21-HIS POSSESSIONS HELD SECURE-cancer Second Coming of Messiah & Tribulation
1 Peter 1:3-4
7/23-HIS ENEMIES DESTROYED-leo Judgment on Babylon the Great
Revelation 5:5-6